Part 2
This Star parts catalog shows the consolette...
The bass drum claws also match this catalog ad:
So, I'm going to assume that this kit was made by Star? If not correct me...just a guess!
I've already done all the stuff to the kit that I mentioned above...
I removed the wrap...threw away what was left of the bass drum hoop. There were never any spurs... the one spur mount was gone...the other was in bad were the floor tom legs...and rail consolette...I threw them away (which, looking back was also dumb!) plugged some of the old mount holes with hardwood dowel stock... painted the lugs black (dumb), and painted the two rims (12 & 16") I had black (also dumb), and also painted the inside of the shell black over the grey that was in the bass drum (also also dumb) and painted the inside of the toms black w/ black shoe polish (king of stupid that one!)...
So, here's what I have now... I had originally planned a pirate-themed kit...and I hand transferred and painted the logos you see...including my actual initials...and some skulls and crossbones...and just... I didn't know what I had when I bought the kit...I hadn't done any research...i was just going to restore the kit w/ no money...
Again...I'm going to make great amends with these drums...
So, here's me photos!
These are the T-Rods I do have...none of the threading in the lug inserts on this kit in ANY of the lugs matches modern threading... so, even to keep the lugs after stripping the paint would require new lug inserts for all 44 lugs. These T-Rods are kinda unusual to me...I'm not sure whom the design belongs to that they ripped off...if any...they put me in minds I think of some I had seen used on a set of Premier drums...though...don't hold me to that.
This is the hoop off of the 16" floor bottom hoop on either tom...just the one...I'll assume this is because of the trend that I've heard about with these MIJ kits...where..the top head breaks...pull the bottom one...never replace the bottom...etc...
It needs to be replaced! There's some pretty awful rust on this and there are places where it looks like the chroming is just gone...
This is a bag full of the washers and screws for the well as some lug inserts and springs...there's plenty of rust and some kind of weird tarnish all over some of the's kinda white and chalky...feels kinda nasty to handle...