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Australian Collectors Group Last viewed: 7 minutes ago


if you click on my name, its the profile picture.

Posted on 9 years ago

Hi, new to forums, but I bought my Yamaha C200 Red Thunder kit in 1996 and it has toured all around Australia with me through the 00s when I was with Tim Rogers and the Temperance Union. Great kit, perfect for that band, and it put up with a lot of ROCK while being able to turn around and be a responsive jazz-style kit. It's on all the above mentioned band's albums, occasionally swapping out the original snare for a later model Premier.

Anyway, it's nice to find a forum that caters to us. I'm now living in Japan, but I'll have a look around some hard drives for pics of my lovely kit.

Posted on 9 years ago

Anyone from/on this group both heard of&have had dealings with :AT lARGE MUSIC group& a MR Enrico Fazzio?.As of yesterday&today after lay-bying for 3-4 months at $400 a fortnight i received what's 'apparently&supposedely" a 66-68 Ludwig keystone badged silver sparkle 20 12 14 kit which i paid $2600 for.Upon delivery/receiving above kit imagine both my utter horror&shock to discover/find out upon close inspection: the shells weren't date stamped&the interior of the shells appeared&looked like they're painted with house paint white&smelt of house paint, serial number's weren't matching bass drum claws both missing &rusted, floor tom legs missing there rubber feet on 2 of them! :(.Hopefully i've not been conned ripped off&a latest victim of them&him!.

Posted on 9 years ago
Posts: 3467 Threads: 116

Seriously... If you have NOT been ripped off by him... Then you would probably be the first of his customers not to be....

There are some mentions of him in previous threads on here..



'77 Slingerland 51N,Super Rock 24,18,14,13.. COW 8,10 Concert toms
'69 Slingerland Hollywood Ace
'75 Rogers Dynasonic 6.5 x 14, 10 lug COB
'77-78 Slingerland 6.5 x 14, 10 lug COB
'78-79 Slingerland 5 1/4 x14 8 lug COB
'79 Biman 5 1/4, Acrolite
'82 Slingerland 5 1/4 x 14. Festival COS
'84 Tama MasterCraft Superstar 6.5 x 14, 10 lug Rosewood
'98 Slingerland (Music YO) 6" 10 Lug Maple.. NOS
Zildjian, Sabian , UFIP & Paiste mix.
Posted on 9 years ago

Just an update on Atlarge &Enrico Fazzio.I DID receive a refund of $400 being for the deposit piad on the allegedly&supposedly "66-68" Ludwig 22 13 16 i swapped/traded the 20, 12, 14, for another Ludwig kit but a later "non-vintage" Epic kit in Bonham sizes.NEVER EVER will i both deal/do business with Atlarge Music Group(&there affiliates/groups/off-shoots) nor do i recommend anyone else do like wise.There's 100s of disgruntled&dis-satisfied &angry Atlarge customers on a FB group interesting reading!.He SHOULD be both closed down&put out of business for good! :(.

Posted on 9 years ago

Anyone here from/on this group got any 70s Ludwig Atlas 1402/Hercules straight cymbal stands x3, & a 1363-4/1374 snare stand?,

Not looking for "collectors" grade just "players" in quality BUT with ALL orignal Ludwig parts¬ TOO pitted&rusted!.

Posted on 9 years ago

Looking for 70s-80 ONLY!, &80S-90S ONLY!, Paiste "white font/lable/logo Giant Beats&black label with serial numbers NOT re-issue 18 20 &24".2002 "black lable" Bonham" sized Paiste's, 80s-90s ONLY! Paiste RUDE 18" crash/crash/rides.

Posted on 9 years ago

G'day lads, just found this Oz section and thought I'd chime in, since I'm a Sydney-ite and fellow Ludwig-o-phile...

Can't help you with those stands unfortunately, but we'll all keep a lookout.


Trev (Adam)

Posted on 9 years ago
Posts: 3467 Threads: 116

From R.Adam McHugh

G'day lads, just found this Oz section and thought I'd chime in, since I'm a Sydney-ite and fellow Ludwig-o-phile...Can't help you with those stands unfortunately, but we'll all keep a lookout.Cheers,Trev (Adam)

Where in Syd.. Trev..? I'm Sutherland Shire..



'77 Slingerland 51N,Super Rock 24,18,14,13.. COW 8,10 Concert toms
'69 Slingerland Hollywood Ace
'75 Rogers Dynasonic 6.5 x 14, 10 lug COB
'77-78 Slingerland 6.5 x 14, 10 lug COB
'78-79 Slingerland 5 1/4 x14 8 lug COB
'79 Biman 5 1/4, Acrolite
'82 Slingerland 5 1/4 x 14. Festival COS
'84 Tama MasterCraft Superstar 6.5 x 14, 10 lug Rosewood
'98 Slingerland (Music YO) 6" 10 Lug Maple.. NOS
Zildjian, Sabian , UFIP & Paiste mix.
Posted on 9 years ago

Ah, a Shire Boy, cool. I'm in Dulwich Hill, so I guess I'm an Inner-Westie...

Posted on 9 years ago
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