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Tama Imperialstar 14"x5" snare found


If that snare were in my possession, I would restore and not part out. Basically a pre-Kingbeat. Great save potential.




Tama Superstar 81 Aqua bop
Rogers Cleveland BDP (x2), Silver bop, Champagne, Black/Gold Duco, WMP, Blue sparkle; Dayton Red Onyx;
Camco Oaklawn 12 14 20 5x14 Tuxedo WMP
LW 59 SC Blue Sparkle, WMP
WFL Gold Sparkle SC, WMP Compacto
Gretsch 49/50 Broadkaster WMP
Fibes Copper Forte
Remo MasterEdge Bop, Gold Crown, Mondo
Slingerland Conway Black Satin
70's MIJ Del Ray, my first and fav ok I'm lying here
Way Too Many Snares, She Says
Posted on 9 years ago

Thank you all for your time and comments.


Posted on 9 years ago

That's a gem right there. Can't wait to see it all cleaned and put back together.

18 Kits & 40+ snares..
Not a Guru, just addicted to drums

- Jay
Posted on 9 years ago

>pre-Kingbeat.snare mechanism.

The kingbeat snares rattled and were near impossible to tune.

A lot of snares tried to use that action ,but it was way too finicky.

The extended snare used in the mid 80's Imperialstars were way better, as was the one piece spun steel shell.

Posted on 9 years ago
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