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Orange brand drums?


I've obviously seen/heard the amplifiers, but didn't know they ever made drums. Interesting looking hardware. The description say they are "African mahogany shells with outer round-over edges", and the sizes are 16x16, 9x13 & 9x12. The seller wants $300 for them. I certainly don't need to add more drums to my collection, but was just curious if anyone on here knew anything or had any experience with this brand of drums.

Posted on 1 year ago

They were rebranded Capelle drums which were made in France. Good quality drums from what I have heard but it's going to be hard to find a matching bass drum.I have no experience with them but there are brochures for both brands on

Posted on 1 year ago

Interesting. That's good info, thanks!

I had the same thought, re: difficulty finding a matching bass drum. If that were part of it, I'd do it at that price, but doesn't sound like they're all *that* special.

Posted on 1 year ago
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