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Danelli Snare


I've always thought Dino Danelli was one of the best drummers of the era. Seems a bit expensive for a snare drum in so, so condition. It does make me wonder what Cornish's guitar might go for. Good news is you can get this drum while Dino is still with us! Just one question: Who is Don?

Posted on 1 year ago
Posts: 5170 Threads: 188

That snare drum needs some Good Lovin'

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 1 year ago

Ha! Needs some 'Good Lovin'

Certainly there snare doesn't look to be in the greatest of shape, but that history & mojo for sure makes it a highly collectable drum. It will be interesting to see if it actually moves, then at what price.

Posted on 1 year ago

Dan Boucher;474373

I've always thought Dino Danelli was one of the best drummers of the era. Seems a bit expensive for a snare drum in so, so condition. It does make me wonder what Cornish's guitar might go for. Good news is you can get this drum while Dino is still with us! Just one question: Who is Don?

Yeah, I agree with you 100% Dan! Back in "the day" Mr. Danelli was very, very cool! He could keep a strong beat and twirl those sticks in showman-like precision! If I had a lot more money, I'd buy that snare immediately! Alas, I am just a poor stiff with never enough cash to throw around. Sure wish I did though!!!


Just a drummer who loves all things about vintage drums! Nothing more, nothing less.
Posted on 1 year ago

I sure hope there is more provenance for that drum than just the signed head. The interior is rough.

Posted on 1 year ago

I can verify, that drum is the one Dino used in the early days of The Rascals, in fact, he had a complete red sparkle kit, given to him by Cozy Cole. I held that snare in my own hands. It's the real deal. Here's the story.

When I was writing my book, I went into NYC to meet Dino for lunch, and then, at his apartment on East 81st Street, near Central Park. Dino has lived in the same studio apartment for decades. At one point in our conversation, he said, "Let's go out on the patio." He took me out the back door and there were two green garbage bags sitting there. He started rummaging through them, and pulled out broken cymbals, old pieces of castoff hardware, and that red Rogers snare drum. Dino said, "That's the drum I used in the beginning of The Rascals. on the records and live. I had a whole set of Rogers. I was friendly with Cozy Cole, and he gave them to me. He endorsed Rogers."

I couldn't believe Dino had this amazing piece of drumming history in a garbage bag, outside in NYC! That explains the weathered condition of the inside shell, if you look at the photos on that Reverb sale.

I held the drum like it was some precious artifact, and Dino said to me, "Do you think you might want it?"

"Dino, of course I want it! I love it! This drum is Rascals' history. How do you want to work this out?"

I didn't know and couldn't really tell if Dino wanted to give it to me, or if he wanted money for it. He said, "Let me think about it, and I'll get back to you."

He never did, despite a letter I wrote to him, and several phone calls. I found Dino to be rather enigmatic in some ways, a bit mysterious. I was very disappointed that the deal fell through. I later heard Dino sold it to The Hard Rock Cafe. This is the first time I've seen it for sale.

Dino and I stayed in touch here and there for a couple of years, but he never mentioned that Rogers snare again. He tried to write his autobiography, and sent me several chapters roughly put together, but as far as I know, he never finished it. He didn't have a computer and had no way of typing copy out, so he dictated chapters to someone who wrote it for him.

Dino was still an active musician up until a few years ago, when he was diagnosed with dementia. Sadly, his playing days are over. He was one of the coolest and most underrated drummers of the 60's, a huge influence on my drumming, and I will always remember the times I spent with him.

'23 DW Collector's, Black Galaxy: 13/16/18/22/14 sn.
'01 DW Collector's, Oyster White: 8/10/12/14/16/22.
'23 PDP Concept Maple, Seafoam: 10,12,14,20.
'72 Slingerland Red Tiger Pearl: 12/13/16/16/22.
'69 Rogers Holiday, Red Onyx: 12/13/16/24
'67 Ludwig Burgundy Sparkle: 12/13/16/22.
'70-ish Ludwig Std, Burgundy Oyster: 13/16/22.
'69-ish MIJ Drum Mate: Peacock Pearl: 13/16/22.
Too many snares to list!
Posted on 1 year ago

[QUOTE=DrumBob;474400]I can verify, that drum is the one Dino used in the early days of The Rascals, in fact, he had a complete red sparkle kit, given to him by Cozy Cole. I held that snare in my own hands. It's the real deal. Here's the story.

Great background story. Thank you for that. So you get two for one: It was Cozy's then Dino's! Do you know who "Don" is, the name on the drum head?

Posted on 1 year ago
Posts: 891 Threads: 26

Could "Don" be Donn Bennett (one N two N?..

.................................................. ......Joe
Posted on 1 year ago

I'd say Donn Bennett is a good guess. Not sure though. The seller is out on Long Island, NY. He possibly got it from Bennett, who we all know, sells quite a few celebrity-owned drums in the Pacific Northwest.

'23 DW Collector's, Black Galaxy: 13/16/18/22/14 sn.
'01 DW Collector's, Oyster White: 8/10/12/14/16/22.
'23 PDP Concept Maple, Seafoam: 10,12,14,20.
'72 Slingerland Red Tiger Pearl: 12/13/16/16/22.
'69 Rogers Holiday, Red Onyx: 12/13/16/24
'67 Ludwig Burgundy Sparkle: 12/13/16/22.
'70-ish Ludwig Std, Burgundy Oyster: 13/16/22.
'69-ish MIJ Drum Mate: Peacock Pearl: 13/16/22.
Too many snares to list!
Posted on 1 year ago

Very interesting back-story, thanks DrumBob. I saw Dino play at the ill-fated Rascals Reunion a few years ago, and it was obvious that Dino had lost his mojo. His drumming was mediocre, and I wondered what had happened to him. He ended one song with an arm wind-up, and then hit a crash cymbal (once) with both sticks simultaneously, as if that was cool. I thought "WTF" was that all about?

It's a shame. Dementia is an awful way to go. I too loved his '60s drumming and tried to replicate his grooves, although I had absolutely no showmanship (still don't). Watching him and his buddy Jonny Barbata of The Turtles was a real treat in drumming groove and showmanship. They were great competitors with each other. No one else could play like them (that I was aware of).

Regards, Marty Black

Posted on 1 year ago