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And It's Another Know Nothing Ebay Seller


Not an MI store, but more of a rock memorabilia and vinyl dealer in an antique mall.

Someone probably told them the drums were worth a lot of money because they're old.

Dirty, dings, dents, indentations, missing parts, rusty, pitted hardware, and beat-up heads. This is a $300 set. Max. He had the gall to start at $1300.

The seller must be on drugs. Didn't he think to look at selling prices? Apparently not. People like this blow my mind.

'23 DW Collector's, Black Galaxy: 13/16/18/22/14 sn.
'01 DW Collector's, Oyster White: 8/10/12/14/16/22.
'24 DW Performance, Gold Sparkle, 12/14/20.
'59-ish Slingerland Pink Sparkle, 13/16/22.

'72 Slingerland Red Tiger Pearl: 13/16/16/22.

'70ish Slingerland Merlot Sparkle rewrap: 13/16/24.

'70-ish Slingerland Green Oyster rewrap: 13/18/24.

'69 Rogers Holiday, Red Onyx: 13/16/24
'67 Ludwig Burgundy Sparkle: 12/13/16/22.
'70-ish Ludwig Std, Burgundy Oyster: 13/16/22.
'69-ish MIJ Drum Mate: Peacock Pearl: 13/16/22.
'67-ish MIJ Crown, Red Sparkle, 12/13/16/22.

'67-ish,. MIJ Drum Mate, Blue Oyster, 12/13/16/22.



Posted on 2 years ago

Hi DrumBob!

I saw this set some time ago and, again, just had to chuckle! It always seems to come down to the fact that they believe that "old" or "vintage" equals $$$. The set will flounder for a long time, after which the seller will keep reducing the price, but not at a price that is realistic. All sellers are always free to ask whatever they want!!


Posted on 2 years ago

Mark, whatever happened to that purple sparkle Slingie set you had?

'23 DW Collector's, Black Galaxy: 13/16/18/22/14 sn.
'01 DW Collector's, Oyster White: 8/10/12/14/16/22.
'24 DW Performance, Gold Sparkle, 12/14/20.
'59-ish Slingerland Pink Sparkle, 13/16/22.

'72 Slingerland Red Tiger Pearl: 13/16/16/22.

'70ish Slingerland Merlot Sparkle rewrap: 13/16/24.

'70-ish Slingerland Green Oyster rewrap: 13/18/24.

'69 Rogers Holiday, Red Onyx: 13/16/24
'67 Ludwig Burgundy Sparkle: 12/13/16/22.
'70-ish Ludwig Std, Burgundy Oyster: 13/16/22.
'69-ish MIJ Drum Mate: Peacock Pearl: 13/16/22.
'67-ish MIJ Crown, Red Sparkle, 12/13/16/22.

'67-ish,. MIJ Drum Mate, Blue Oyster, 12/13/16/22.



Posted on 2 years ago

From DrumBob

Mark, whatever happened to that purple sparkle Slingie set you had?

Just saw this post and that you also sent a PM. I answered through the PM.


Posted on 2 years ago

There is a very similar kit in a booth at a local antique mall. It is is really good shape but they want something like $800 or $900 for it. The booth is pretty typical of what I have found in antique malls. Almost 100% MIJ or much later beginner Asian stuff with maybe a hacked up vintage American made orphan drum. Cheap Asian brass cymbals and a pile of beat up Asian stands. All with ridiculous asking prices. It's always fun to dig through something like that looking for a hidden gem, but so far I have yet to find one, or if I do find something, they want way too much for it.

Posted on 2 years ago

From DrumBob

Not an MI store, but more of a rock memorabilia and vinyl dealer in an antique mall. Someone probably told them the drums were worth a lot of money because they're old.Dirty, dings, dents, indentations, missing parts, rusty, pitted hardware, and beat-up heads. This is a $300 set. Max. He had the gall to start at $1300. The seller must be on drugs. Didn't he think to look at selling prices? Apparently not. People like this blow my mind.

the fact that people think these sets are worth $300 is what blows MY mind... i'm in the $130 crowd

Posted on 2 years ago

I have called the seller to chat with him or her about the price, but they don't answer the phone, so I have given up. Let them learn the hard way.

'23 DW Collector's, Black Galaxy: 13/16/18/22/14 sn.
'01 DW Collector's, Oyster White: 8/10/12/14/16/22.
'24 DW Performance, Gold Sparkle, 12/14/20.
'59-ish Slingerland Pink Sparkle, 13/16/22.

'72 Slingerland Red Tiger Pearl: 13/16/16/22.

'70ish Slingerland Merlot Sparkle rewrap: 13/16/24.

'70-ish Slingerland Green Oyster rewrap: 13/18/24.

'69 Rogers Holiday, Red Onyx: 13/16/24
'67 Ludwig Burgundy Sparkle: 12/13/16/22.
'70-ish Ludwig Std, Burgundy Oyster: 13/16/22.
'69-ish MIJ Drum Mate: Peacock Pearl: 13/16/22.
'67-ish MIJ Crown, Red Sparkle, 12/13/16/22.

'67-ish,. MIJ Drum Mate, Blue Oyster, 12/13/16/22.



Posted on 2 years ago

I can't believe they sold for $679. I wonder who the poor sucker was?

'23 DW Collector's, Black Galaxy: 13/16/18/22/14 sn.
'01 DW Collector's, Oyster White: 8/10/12/14/16/22.
'24 DW Performance, Gold Sparkle, 12/14/20.
'59-ish Slingerland Pink Sparkle, 13/16/22.

'72 Slingerland Red Tiger Pearl: 13/16/16/22.

'70ish Slingerland Merlot Sparkle rewrap: 13/16/24.

'70-ish Slingerland Green Oyster rewrap: 13/18/24.

'69 Rogers Holiday, Red Onyx: 13/16/24
'67 Ludwig Burgundy Sparkle: 12/13/16/22.
'70-ish Ludwig Std, Burgundy Oyster: 13/16/22.
'69-ish MIJ Drum Mate: Peacock Pearl: 13/16/22.
'67-ish MIJ Crown, Red Sparkle, 12/13/16/22.

'67-ish,. MIJ Drum Mate, Blue Oyster, 12/13/16/22.



Posted on 2 years ago
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