So I bought 80% of a drum kit today, looking to get something cheap after moving cities and I ended up with a pretty cool old Pearl kit. Based on the badge I gather it's from the 1960's, but I would love it if anyone could tell me more about it. The shell is what sold me on it, it's like a holographic honeycomb pattern. Perused some of the old catalogues on here and I can't find a match..
I'll also be doing a bit of research, but would welcome any advice on how to fix up this kit. There's a bit of cracking in the shell around where some of the hardware is mounted, and it's pretty scratched up and filthy, I want to clean it and treat everything to prevent further damage. Should I use car wax on it?
Another question: the wood inside is chipped in places from a rough life, smells slightly musty, is there any treatment people recommend?
I also need to rig up some legs for the bass drum, those are missing.
Seems like a lot of work, but I'm excited about the project.