Thats a very interesting set of cymbals. Any story behind them? I'm just curious as they wouldn't normally be found together. They were made many years away from each other.
The K zildjian is an old K Zildjian cymbal made prior to 1940 in Turkey. It was most likely one of a pair of marching or orchestral cymbals. Which explains why it is pretty heavy.
Your second cymbal was made in the US in the 1970s.
They might make an interesting set of hihats which is seemingly how they were being used.
As for a price...the K is worth more than the A. But its weight lessens its value as a hihat. I'd say sell them together and try for anything more than $150. A regular old set of As from the 1970s is worth about $100. The K adds the extra value and is probably worth about $100. I'd sell them together.